Made In China

I did not carry my new daughter in my womb...I carried her in my heart.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday 15th.

Note from Darlene: It pretty much poured down rain all day today. That didn’t stop the 3 of us though! We went shopping around the Island in the morning. Then we met our guide, Mary along with Jane, Bert & Elizabeth and headed to the toy market. They had some neat stuff but we settled on a basket of plastic food and dishes for Kaylee. She has been serving us imaginary food on the little plastic plates and tea in the little cups ever since. Quite delicious! LOL

After the toy market we all went to the largest McDonalds in Guangzhou. Kaylee had her first happy meal, Keith had a Big Mac and I had some sort of sandwich that resembled a gyro. It was all very tasty and Keith said his sandwich tasted the same as back home.

After a nap we went to dinner at a place called the “Locomotive Restaurant.” It was an upper scale restaurant and was actually a train dining car. We ordered a dinner for 2, which started with escargot and rabbit pate’. It was very good and Kaylee like the rabbit. Then they served us a steak made of beef and some red wine called, “The Great Wall.” It was one of the best wines I’ve ever had. They then served us pizza with ham and pineapple. We were so stuffed after that, that we said no thank you to the ice cream and coffee. Kaylee had her first strawberry shake (that we know of) and finished every bit of it!

We then jogged to our hotel in the pouring rain with Kaylee giggling the whole way. She had a warm bubble bath, a warm bottle of formula afterwards and went right to sleep. We have no idea what we did right to be blessed with this little angel but we thank God daily.


  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Carol said…

    Kaylee is just like her Mom - shop 'til you drop!

    Thanks for keeping us updated.



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